Saturday, March 12, 2011

hmm .... a living fossil

I said to him that, "I do like such a state where food is available and we can go and take it, I'm an anti-competentialist and I never believe or like to compete for surveillance, I do not like but I believe in sustenance from competition of my predator on me". Then he said,"So far I thought coelacanths are living fossils, but now I can write a paper that I found another living fossil known with characters homo erectus and even more peculiar" and he also asked,"How could you sustain your mindset like that inspite of several agonies affecting your kind of creatures???".  I have no answer for him, I think there is no single organism with human characters could like to be with this mindset. Yes, I too do not understand, why didn't such a mindset got extinction from this insane society. They do always like to sink into their own soup, and never try to understand that the period they are living is not an eternal intimacy with this brutal and malleable and malicious nature that mimics mother for some time and become a demon the next moment, if one is asked to presume his persistence with such a person for long enough, who would dare to be with... but they love this nature and laugh at the persons who realize it. They say, "you should be flexible to be sustaining with nature". why should I, okay if one should be able to be so, by deterioration of the self, its even more possible,flexible and even plausible. The truth is extinction is the fate  that is carefully and inevitably decided by nature, but retainment of these fossil characters is just the mistake/overlook of it.

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