Sunday, November 28, 2010

Slaves of Life

Life both the worst and best teachers of every individual on earth, its worst because it never cares if you've learnt something out of its taughture, its the best teachers since you can never learn anywhere from anyone better than under cicumustguidance of life. In-fact life is a non-sense and simply an unwanted task, which you'd understand on getting provision of not being slave of it. But no one can do it, since they won't see/observe it when they're out of it.. Its far superior than a well skilled Harvard B-school student/manager to his/her employees in making anyone/everyone being part of it or enslaved to it... Neither money nor gender based weaknesses those are key entities of the whole world's run directly or indirectly can dominate the witch called life... Those who reveal its wickedness, those who find its insane activity are all mad people for you all, they're deranged, they are to be kept in halls called mental hospitals. I must be mental too, because I was revealing my nuances on LIFE. I don't wanna be succumbed into one more such later after this life, if at all re-birth theory holds good. Readers expect writer to be depressed or deranged to write these kinds of sentences. But I'm happy and in state of normalcy as per the social parameters of measures of judgment of the living entities called Human beings. I'm in a state of nothingness.. neither wishing nor denying something/anything, I don't know how my fellow beings those who got intrusive arrows of expectations with sharp edged heads can understand me. Do I need any such? I don't know... 

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