A Critical Review on "Intelligent theory" of Evolution
Darwin theory of evolution, the so called natural selection. It was very powerful theory of evolution which could stand still for more than a century after its proposal. For the first time in the history, natural selection was questioned with the name of irreducible complexity. The reason behind the failure of natural selection is,
it could not explain the complex arrangement of bacterial flagellum, that needs 40 different subunits to be arranged in a specific fashion a slight variation even in time dependency forms defective one. With several such queries natural selection faced big challenge for its sustenance. As natural selection could not explain the origin of such a complex state of molecule, chemical evolution came into picture which tried to explain the significance of the origin of life based on the biochemical oriented attraction among amino acids, by considering the key role of the proteins as important molecular engines of cells. But its never experimentally proved or some evidence ever found saying a protein can be formed without the information provided by DNA. Now the query part is how did DNA come into picture. The initial explanation of scientists supporting random generation said that the four different types of Deoxy ribonucleotides made the information. but when an experiment is conducted to generate a word from all alphabets by randomly pouring letter tablets one after another for several thousands or lakhs of times, the process failed to generate the pre-requisite word, now the question is how could such a huge amount of useful and functionally active and highly complex information be generated randomly. To explain the above question scientist proposed a theory called "intelligent design" which actually doesn't have proper evidences to explain as a theory too, its all controversial, they simply took some examples which only intelligent design can explain based on either some pattern or information basis. One of those examples is the comparison of rocks of ancient ages probably of some thousands of years ago to show the differences between natural and carved ones and distinction among them is the matter of intelligence or information in their appearance. They argue that even if you let those natural un-carved rocks to stay for one crore years or more, they won't attain the pattern that carved ones possess, they correlate the same concept to origin of such a complex extent of information in DNA to not be originated by random means.
But the irony is that, the modern evolutionary biologists who do believe in theory of intelligent design, simply started searching for the factors of intelligence instead of thinking about the plausibility of the occurrence of the theory. Their first doubt or question is on origin of life from space, I really don't understand what they think, if they have to be agreed as right regarding the origin of life on earth from space, then my question to them would be, even within the space or universe where has the life been originated for the first time, if this question is beyond the scope of our limits of reach, how had it been formed even where it has been generated from, though its an unknown place in the Universe. Do we have to believe that God had created it? but science does never agree the existence of God, if science finds evidence then the things with evidence would never be accepted as God. Is it sufficient for these scientists to just to get an idea of how the life could have been originated on earth? Is it sufficient for them to find some evidence that some alien has brought it? If its not that way, how could some great state of intelligence involve in starting the process of evolution during the periods of primordial soup on earth? which kind of experiments do they carry out to prove it? I again doubt, if they provide some mysterious flawed logical statements to enlighten themselves in the history of evolution.
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