Friday, July 09, 2010

Cat and mouse are running..

Cat and mouse are running...

That cat never catches that mouse
That mouse is never followed by that Cat
because both of them are at each poles of the earth

This is called life which is an illusion, because cats and rats are almost not seen at poles
and not only that.. but as soon as we say cat and mouse are running.. our mind tunes to chasing only... and predicts all kinds of possibilities, which is a sub-illusion of the original illusion called life.

Literal meaning may be accepted for cat and mice mobility as run.. but in-fact they never run.. but either "chase" or "flee away"... chasing is common for both for food and fleeing away is common for both from enemies/predators.

--The final sentence of this paragraph is to let you know that "Understanding the life beyond the boundaries of these illusions.. and attaining such capability to get that whole information to avoid illusions and understand things makes you more than The God".. which in-fact one can never attain



  1. we only feel what we know, but not the things we never experienced. almost everything we learn from others starting from talking to walking. we say that our mobile phone is working with some radio waves but not god is making it to work. till we don't know something we say it god is making it to happen. at least i don't know the god particle.

    so what do u say regarding this:

    so a simple question for all ur blog followers r visitors which i asked u early.

    did the mass of earth changed due to increase of human population from 19th century to 20th century?

    try to answer it u will know some thing.

  2. @arvind:
    See dear Arvind.. saying that something is done by god, when you don't know its happening could be right or wrong.. nobody argues about it, being God is a belief when an atheist says God is not there he can't be write nor he wrong.. because he can't prove God which is y(our) belief.. at the same time.. he isn't either wrong being y(our)s is just belief but not a proof.

    You are telling that mobile phone is working on the basis radio waves.. have you created those radio waves.. you are just a chemical interface for the transfer of those waves.. you are just catalyzing their movement..

    Because you know principle, it doesn't mean that God doesn't exist, at the same time as you said its done by God, you can't prove his presence.. its just the matter of belief as of now.

    Coming to God Particle.. what physicists name as BOSON... theoretically it has a tendency to make any particle when light interacts with it at extreme energy. They say that its there.. and so why they're trying to prove it at CERN.

    for you second question... First give us the proof that Earths mass has been changed in this period of 1 Century.
    Earth is a solid ball with almost near equidense conditions through its shape except at the core and the significance of change of which altering the Earths mass in negligible.. in turn there won't be any change in mass of earth... still if you believe that.. I'm wrong just show me a proof and path why it alters... then we can discuss.....

  3. Interesting second question !!!

    The mass of total human population on earth is approximately one trillionth of mass of earth. I guess even if you want to concetrate on that tiny detail, it is very diffuclt to estimate. For example 60% of human body is water. So that water was there in 19th century as well as 20th century. I GUESS that is valid for other solid substances too. Just imagine a situation where all the people on earth jump at same time... would earth's mass decreases ? would there be any change in velocity of earth?? Practically no ... because of this little ratio between people mass vs earth mass.

    However I would like to hear what is your opinion.

    - manchu

  4. @Anonymous

    Hello dear.. how can you say that even such a slight variation to exist, being it has been derived from the so called earth only, so its just the mobility of each individual entity within the planet.

  5. Yes... Thats what I meant ...

    "I GUESS that is valid for other solid substances too"...

    I am thinking of same lines with mouli ..

    actually i want to hear from arvind :-)


    Second part of my comment. Ok.. we all came from earth.. but as said in second part..
    when everyone on the earth jumps at the same time.. will the mass decrease ?.. will the velocity of earth changes? ..

  6. that is what i am asking mouli will that negligible mass (107 in 1900 now 107 x3 tripled x50 (avg human body wt kg). Approx. 150xbillion kgs or 0.1 billion tons if is it negligible mass) change is there r not.
    even the creation and cremation of human into earth where is the role of god's existence?

    only after coming to know the role of mobile technology and wireless technology and properties of those materials we r using them, but if u ask a prehistoric person r a tribes men from africa far from civilization how they r working he will tell god is making them to work. if u had seen "god must be crazy" u will better know, in that if u find the gods for the bushmen u will understand.

    good question manchu i think there will be slightest change (if u consider) if all humans come to one side and then jump.
